Pyramid of the Moon & the Teotihuacan World-Order
The Pyramid of the Moon is one of the most iconic ancient structures in the world and appears to have been at the heart of a master-plan.
The Pyramid of the Moon is one of the most iconic ancient structures in the world and appears to have been at the heart of a master-plan.
The amazing Palace of Quetzalpapalotl was dressed with stunning painted tablero-style lintels and intricately carved columns that were studded with obsidian and symbolised the cities power.
The Palace of the Jaguars is home to an iconic fresco of a jaguar blowing a conch shell that drips with blood, as well as a more mysterious image known as the netted-jaguar.
The compound of Tetitla is decorated with a number of murals that suggest it was home to an elite family, who had ties to the Great Goddess and the infamous Owl Warriors.
The compound of Tepantitla is home to some beautifully painted murals that record an astonishing view on how the world worked and how the Teotihuacano could keep it working.
Teotihuacan has captured the imagination of all who have set eyes on it since the fourth century. Even the Aztec’s were captivated by it and named it the “Birthplace of the Gods”.
The curious alignment of the Central Plaza not only indicates that it was purpose-built for observation, but may also reveal the identity of Xochicalco’s builders.
With an intense but small period of occupancy, between 650-900AD, and home to many cultural and artistic influences, Xochicalco’s rapid rise and fall is one of Mesoamerica’s greatest mysteries,
Xochicalco has three sacred ball-courts, known as teotlachtli, which feature very different designs and may have fulfilled very different political and religious functions
The Plaza of the Two Glyphs is a spectacular space, overlooking the valley below and featuring Xochicalco;s finest buildings – though it is curiously cut off from the city centre,
The Eastern Complex doesn’t have the amazing views or ornate carving that the other areas of Xochicalco have, but it may have been one of the most important areas, nonetheless.
With spectacular views of the surrounding valley, the Pyramid of the Stelea is one of Xochicalco’s most incredible monumental structures and home to three mysteriously buried Stelae.
Teopanzolco is dominated by a half completed Great Platform and the mystery surrounding its abandonment. But the region’s mysterious history goes back a lot further…
The Great Platform dominates the archaeological site of Teopanzolco, but its huge, low profile is very irregular. The reasons for this are instantly recognisable from the top…
The majestic ruins of Xochicalco sprawl across a hilltop 10 miles south of Cuernavaca. Despite the incredible engineering skills and man-power involved, no-one is sure exactly who built the city.
Looking out over the vast valley below, to the mountainous horizon of the east, are Groups A and B and their respective pyramids, which may have a hidden history and purpose.
A giant carving of a serpents head protrudes from the eastern wall of the Grupo de la Serpiente, which may indicate a celestial purpose to Structure 2D.
The mysterious carving of a jaguar devouring a heart is carved prominently on the wall next to the entrance to Teotenango and was designed to be seen by all entering the city.