Teotihuacan: Pyramid of the Sun & The Orion Mystery
The Pyramid of the Sun stands out as the greatest achievement of any Mesoamerican culture and appears to be encoded with esoteric knowledge of time and the universe.
The Pyramid of the Sun stands out as the greatest achievement of any Mesoamerican culture and appears to be encoded with esoteric knowledge of time and the universe.
The Pyramid of the Moon is one of the most iconic ancient structures in the world and appears to have been at the heart of a master-plan.
The Eastern Complex doesn’t have the amazing views or ornate carving that the other areas of Xochicalco have, but it may have been one of the most important areas, nonetheless.
La Ciudadela takes its name from its strategic and easily defensible location right at the top of the La Quemada complex, however it function was clearly religious.
The Votive Pyramid dominates La Quemada’s ceremonial centre. It’s unusual design raised serious questions about how and why it was built.
La Quemada’s third level features an enormous terrace on which they built a large ceremonial complex that appears to have been dedicated to human sacrifice.