Chicomoztoc: The Birthplace of the Aztec
Chicomoztoc is the fabled birthplace of the Seven Tribes of Mexico, a legend predominantly passed down from the Aztec that demonstrates they were related to their rivals of Central Mexico.
Chicomoztoc is the fabled birthplace of the Seven Tribes of Mexico, a legend predominantly passed down from the Aztec that demonstrates they were related to their rivals of Central Mexico.
Malinalco history is largely entwined in myth and folklore and yet a few historical accounts and a small archaeological site do seem to support its legendary past.
Structure III is similar to Structure I in its floor-plan, but was ritually built on top of an older structure rather than carved out of the rock face.
Structure II is an archetypal Mesoamerican pyramidal platform, which creates an unusually small plaza on the side of the Cerros de los Idolos.
The stunning Cuauhcalli is the only known monolithic temple built by the Aztec and was carved into the hillside 125m above the town of Malinalco entirely in one piece.
Malinalco is home to one of the wonders of the Aztec world, the site of Cuauhtinchan, which is propped precariously on a steep hillside, 125m above the town.