Chicanna Structure VI with its Roof Comb

Chicanna Structure VI

With its carved façade and roof comb, Chicanna Structure VI appears to be a temple, but the rooms added over later centuries raise questions over its use.

Chicanna Structure III

Chicanna Structure III

Chicanna Structure III spans the north side of Group A and was repeatedly developed from 640AD to 1040AD – but it is curiously different to the other structures

Palenque Temple XIX Platform Relief South

Palenque: Temple XIX

Temple XIX is home to the most incredible carvings found at Palenque and accompany the detailed story of Ahkal Mo’ Nahb and the birth of the gods

Pyramid of the Stelae at Xochicalco

Xochicalco: Temple of the Stelae

With spectacular views of the surrounding valley, the Pyramid of the Stelea is one of Xochicalco’s most incredible monumental structures and home to three mysteriously buried Stelae.

Grupo A and B at Teotenango

Teotenango: Pyramid Groups A & B

Looking out over the vast valley below, to the mountainous horizon of the east, are Groups A and B and their respective pyramids, which may have a hidden history and purpose.

La Ciudadela at La Quemada

La Quemada: La Ciudadela

La Ciudadela takes its name from its strategic and easily defensible location right at the top of the La Quemada complex, however it function was clearly religious.

Votive Pyramid, Ballcourt & El Cuartel at La Quemada

La Quemada: El Cuartel

The Cuartel was formally thought to be a barracks for the fortress city, but evidence now suggests it was a religious complex, with a shrine and celestial observatory.

Structure III at Malinalco

Malinalco: Structure III

Structure III is similar to Structure I in its floor-plan, but was ritually built on top of an older structure rather than carved out of the rock face.